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Classes at your place

Laura runs classes for travellers,professionals and people with special needs ,conversation classes included.
From the basics until more advanced level. This course is tailored for students who wish to travel to Italy and learn basics or for students who already have a knowledge of the language and wish to improve their competence and confidence with the language.
During my lessons with adults I usually try to recreate real-life situations doing some role-plays and other activities affine to performing arts which I believe it’s both a way to have fun and also to effectively learn in a interactive way".

Rates starting from 35$

Please, contact Laura for a quote and an initial consultation or assessment.



Languages: Italian





Kids 3- 5 yo

Let your children meet Italian language in a playful, joyful and structured way.​
"With kids, I love to sing with them typical Italian song and to mime the words. I believe they are all brilliant and there’s nothing better to learn playing games together reading/ listen to story tales and above all smiles giving the children the possibility to express themselves".


Kids 6-9 yo

 At this age, children are fully verbal and eager to expand their dialogues.These classes are very animated. In addition to acquiring new language skills children can be creative, enhance their social and imagination skills through storytelling, role play, movement, age-appropriate games, music and other fun, educational activities. We strive to present new knowledge and skills in ways that are developmentally appropriate and stimulating.​

Please contact Laura to arrange a course for kids for an entire school term and/or during school holidays . Courses are more likely to be arranged in group (max 6 kids) but it is also possible to organize for  one kid or siblings. 

Special classes.

​Laura Mazzatenta - Italian classes at your place, provides special classes to kids aged 10 years old or over. Language will be presented in a communicative way effectively enabling kids to develop the four fundamental abilities in learning a language : Listening, speaking, reading,writing.

Rate starting from 50$

Discounts may apply for siblings.

Please, contact Laura for a quote on your tailored course.


VCE -private tuition

​Laura Mazzatenta- Italian classes at your place, conducts one to one tuition to high school students who wish to excel and be advantaged in VCE  or who needs to improve their results.
Lessons are totally tailored on students' needs
Rate starting from 50$ per  lesson.


 An initial consultation is strongly reccomended for you in order to explore what are the issues with Italian and to set up a plan for the followings sessions.

 Where &when


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